Fragment-Screen: From fragments to high affinity binders interfacing integrated structural biology, medicinal chemistry and artificial intelligence (2023-2026). Convocatoria INFRA-TECH.

The Fragment-Screen project is pioneering innovative tools and workflows for fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD), making early-phase structure-based drug development accessible for all biological targets in both academia and industry. By integrating structural biology insights and data with artificial intelligence (AI), the project aims to revolutionize medicinal chemistry in drug development. Fragment-Screen unites experts from four ESFRI Landmark research infrastructures—ESRF (European synchrotron), EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC (medicinal chemistry), ELIXIR (life science data resources), and Instruct-ERIC (integrated structural biology)—along with seven industry partners in scientific instrumentation, computational methods, and AI, including SMEs, to overcome key challenges in early drug discovery.