EU-OPENSCREEN continues to showcase innovative biomedical research through its webinars. Recently, key researchers from the USC-CIMUS and CIPF nodes shared their latest scientific advancements with the international community.

Anton Martínez from USC-CIMUS presented a webinar on in vitro models for neuropathic pain, developed by the team led by Mabel Loza. This research provides new insights into the understanding and treatment of neuropathic pain using advanced cellular models.

Snezana Dordevic from CIPF presented on the use of Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) as a tool for designing polypeptide conjugates, developed in the group led by Mª Jesús Vicent. This approach enhances the visualization and understanding of conjugate distribution within tissues, aiding the design of more effective and targeted therapies.

These webinars highlight the capabilities and progress of EU-OPENSCREEN nodes, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in advancing biomedical research. Stay tuned for more EU-OPENSCREEN webinars to explore the latest trends and developments in the field.